About Us

ShimonSofthouse(Pvt)Ltd. is a Offshore IT Development Company to Japan. Our Company is attached to SLiC Co.,LTD. Japan.We professional to IT Software Development for Banking Systems, IVR Telephone Systems, Credit Card Systems, E-Money Developments.

ShimonSofthouse(Pvt)Ltd.は、日本へオフショアを行うのソフトウェア基盤開発及び保守を行う会社です。 弊社は、株式会社SLiCの子会社です。金融様向けシステム基盤開発、IVRの架電システム開発、クレジット及び 電子マネー基盤開発及び保守業務を行っております。

Our Services

IVR Telephone System Development
Credit Card System Development
E-Money System Development
AWS Cloud Server System Development
Rakuten Cloud Server System Development
System Transfer(Onpremise to Cloud and vis versa)
Server Maintenance
Google Cloud Server System Development
Google クラウド サーバー システム開発

Chairman Message

Year 2023 is very important year for SLIC(Pvt)Ltd. Japan and ShimonSofthouse(Pvt)Ltd. Because it is the 10th year for ShimonSofthouse(Pvt)Ltd., SriLaka and 25th year for SLIC(Pvt)Ltd. Japan. ShimonSofthouse is a software developing & Integrating & maintenance(24Hour/365Days) company. We do develop & deliver the best quality of Software to Japanese Market. The reason that we can do this because of the dedicated service of Sri Lankan staff and Japanese staff.
I hope we can grow more and help to Japanese market for next decade.

Kushantha Jinasena

Chairman (SLiC (Pvt) Ltd. & ShimonSofthouse (Pvt) Ltd.)

Chairman Message

CEO Message

CEO Message

Welcome to Shimon SoftHouse. As President and CEO, I know I speak for all of our employees as I proudly inform you about our company and the ideals which we stand for. We are doing IT OffShore Development to Japan, Our mission can be summed up in three words – Deliver Technology Innovation. Founded in 2013, our company enjoys a rich history of delivering cutting edge technology solutions such as AWS Cloud Server System Development, Credit Card System Development and IVR Telephone System Development etc.We do our best to protect our client systems and data for 24/7/365 and do like to work with them for long period..

私たちShimonsofthouseは、2013年の創業以来、親会社であるSLiCより、AWSクラウドサーバシステム・決済システム・IVRシステムの開発など、様々なオフショア開発案件を請け負ってまいりました。 また、開発後もクライアントのシステムの運用・保守を、24時間/365日万全の体制でサポートしております。 日々進化するIT業界の中で新たな【技術革新の実現】をmissionとし、私たちもまた、日々邁進しております。

Dushan Hewawasam

President & CEO (ShimonSofthouse (Pvt) Ltd.)

Our Concepts





Design & Develop




Our Team

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